Double Wide
(Click title above to purchase.)
When I first saw the cover for Double Wide, I was not intrigued…

At all!
But when friends started sharing how much they were loving it, I had to give it a try.
So, I ordered a copy from B&N, and I sailed through it.
It was honest and real and quirky and fun.
I’m glad I didn’t shy away from something that seemed out of my norm – I really liked the story and found it well-written with a fresh voice.
In fact, there are two specific parts that I want to share with you, words I found profound…
People believe what they believe, and beliefs are hard set. Any time spent trying to talk someone out of an article of faith they’ve held since childhood is time wasted.
Yep. It’s not that I don’t believe people can change their minds, it’s just that I’ve found people don’t want to do so.
But here’s the thing: if it’s something I hold to be true from my life experiences, from my knowledge and relationships, you’re not likely to change my mind, either.
The second part I want to share occurs after a visit to the main character’s dad, who just happens to be a drug addict, in jail, awaiting trial for murder…
“I never thanked you for coming with with me,” I said. “Sam lights up when he sees you.”
“He’s a sweetie, but it’s all about you. He knows you’ll be there, same time every week. Never a doubt.”
“Everybody needs somebody to look after them that way…”
Isn’t that the truth?? We all need someone in our life who can acknowledge our worst mistakes, our insecurities, our faults, and our flaws and be there anyways. Without a doubt.
I hope you enjoy this one as much as I did!
With love and hugs,