Last week I told you about my #ZAVENFORHEISMAN campaign, and I promised to tell you more about him.
Today, Tulsa World writer Kelly Hines did it for me with an incredible article that tells Zaven’s story:

The entire article is well-researched, interesting, and engaging.
You can’t help but love this family and cheer for this young man.
As you’ll read, Zaven is one of my SonShine’s housemates and very best friends.

I’ve watched these big-hearted boys grow into fine gentlemen.
I’ve watched them triumph over adversity, celebrate victories, support one another through heartbreaking tragedy, and pester-pick-tease-aggrivate-and-annoy one another like the band of brothers they have become.

As a momma, there is nothing more rewarding than seeing your children find their place and find their people.
In her article, Kelly includes this quote:
“It was big,” Haley Collins said. “I couldn’t breathe. I knew what that meant. I will never forget that day. That was our day. … Coach Monty and Coach G, I can’t thank them enough. I owe my life to them. They gave him a chance when nobody else would.”
And that’s the part that made me cry.
I, too, remember that afternoon.
I remember Haley physically weak in her knees, emotionally overwhelmed that they – she and Zaven – achieved what they set out to do, together they reached their end goal: they’d secured a division one scholarship to pay for Zaven’s education.
It was beautiful!
Haley was genuinely and authentically grateful, honored and sincerely appreciative.
I’ve known that feeling of pure elation when someone sees the value and gifts that you see and treasure in your child every single day.
Knowing that you are not alone as a parent, that you now have help guiding, loving, and nurturing your most precious love is life-changing, it is overwhelming, it will make you weak in the knees.
As Coach told Kelly, presenting football players with an opportunity to “change their stars” with an exceptional education, offering them a chance to continue playing a game they have given their love, sweat, and tears to for most of their young lives, and most importantly, gifting them a place where they will always belong in our football family is right up there towards the top of the list titled, “Benefits of Being a Coach.”
I’m sure it is sounds dramatic, that for someone who has never experienced a sports family like ours, it is difficult to comprehend the depth of love we feel for our boys, our student workers, our staff, and all of their families.
But it is there. It is tangible, palpable, and real. It is something that we feel physically.
I pray for these amazing people every single day.
I take great pleasure in watching their journeys and their adventures, seeing them grow.
July 22, 2016 might have felt like a checkmark on Haley’s list, a day to remember and celebrate.
Let me assure you, it was actually just a beginning.
And I am extremely eager and excited to see where Zaven’s path leads!
With love and hugs,
PS: remember to vote #ZAVENFORHEISMAN each day 💙

Samia says
Wow. Such beautifully written 💟
Ashli Montgomery says
Thank you so much!
Dana Bayouth Hull says
Beautiful words. I am so happy for Haley and Zaven.
Ashli Montgomery says
I am, too – such a special family!