It’s no wonder that Lash Boost is Rodan+Fields top-selling product. In the two months since starting my R+F business, it has been my biggest seller.
It’s the item everyone wants to know more about!

It’s also no wonder that everyone is interested and intrigued; great-looking eyelashes frame your face, make your eyes pop, and give you an added bit of confidence. You know, that extra pep in your step! says “that this beauty trend has extended beyond your favorite celebrities to the moms at your kids’ soccer games.” You’ve noticed it, I’ve noticed it…everyone’s noticed that EVERYONE IS SPORTING GREAT LASHES!
Here’s what else the article goes on to reveal about getting the great lash look via eyelash extensions:
- Applying eyelash extensions the first time takes hours – yikes!
- Touch-ups take “up to an hour” and are “recommended every two to three weeks.”
- Then the author warns us to “anticipate shelling out anywhere from $150 to $350 for a full set of lash extensions…and then another $75 to $100 for touch-ups…” Double yikes!!
I’ll confess, I have tried eyelash extensions.
About 7 years ago, when the trend was just amping up, I was horribly envious of two of my friends and their incredible eyelashes, one was my gorgeous Zumba instructor and the other was my stunning family photographer. Their lashes were amazing! Naturally, I asked how they made their lashes look so great, and it turned out they were both going to salons for lash extensions.
If they loved it, surely I would, too!
So, I booked my appointment, eager to get glamorous.
While I was there, I was a fidgety, nervous wreck as the technician glued on no less than 100 individual, synthetic lashes to each eye. I struggle with people poking and prodding around my eyes, but I was determined to suffer through. I paid my big bucks, left the salon, and I loved the way my new lashes looked.
For about a week.
Then I started picking.
Yes, it’s true: I pick, I pester, I am that person…I am unable to leave things alone once I detect a fray, a weakness, a stray string, or heaven-forbid, an untucked edge.
In this instance, I could feel the synthetic lashes lifting from my real lashes, and it drove me crazy. Like totally INSANE! I could not NOT pull them off once I felt one coming unglued.
Sadly, as I picked off the fake lashes, many of my natural lashes came with them, so instead of fuller, darker lashes, I now had thinner, shorter, “baby lashes” that looked pretty awful.
Learning from my mistake, I walked away from the world of lash extensions and searched for better mascara.
Fast forward to 2016…
I started hearing a big buzz around Rodan+Fields and their newest product: Lash Boost.
It claimed to create the appearance of longer, fuller, darker lashes.
And I was kinda believing the claim.
I was seeing the results on my close friends who were trying it as well as the umpteen jillion people I knew posting their before/after/mascara photos all over my social media feeds.
But there was a catch, and I am no fool.
At the time of unveiling, Lash Boost was a purchase-with-purchase-only item, so in order to try it, I would have to buy an entire regimen of skincare and sign up to receive orders via autoship, and in all my worldly wisdom I was NOT going to play that game!
So, in the second round of my quest to have pretty eyes, I purchased Latisse from my esthetician. It, too, has good before and after reviews, and the expense was in line with the Lash Boost I was hearing so much about.
Unfortunately, it was just too harsh for my eyelids. Even when I used it very sparingly and infrequently – usually only once every 10 to 14 days – my eyelids were puffy and pink, and my eyes burned throughout the next day.
Again, I walked away from lush lashes.
Fast forward to 2019…
Turns out, I didn’t know what I was talking about.
Lash Boost is available as a single purchase product.
It retails for $155, but when you sign on to be my preferred customer in our “PC PERKS” program, you receive 10% off and free shipping on orders that reach $80.
The membership is a one-time fee of $20, and you remain a PC Perks member until you choose to cancel.
Let’s do the math (this is my favorite part!!)…

The Rodan+Fields “frequent flier miles” program is fantastic, totally free of obligations, no secret shipments, and only asks if you need to order via email every 60 days instead of once a month.
The bonus is that I’ll be watching the calendar on my end so that you never feel fooled!

To enroll, just click the little box on the checkout screen.
Better yet, give me a call, and I’d love to set it up for you.
Finally, I NEED my regimen!
Beautiful lashes are fun and flirty. Beautiful skin is life-changing.
If you aren’t in love with your current skin care routine, let’s talk.
Before my Angel Girl asked me to join her in Rodan+Fields, I was feeling terribly frustrated by the changes I was seeing in my aging, stressed, tired skin. After just a couple of months with R+F, I am loving the skin I am in, possibly for the first time in my entire life!
So, now you know what I know:
- One swipe a night is all it takes (or, as in my case, just a few nights per week)
- No tedious salon appointments
- No expensive touch-ups every few weeks
- Beautiful lashes that appear thicker, stronger, fuller, and darker
- And what Mae said in the quote above!
Here’s how to do it:
And here’s my before/after/mascara pic (I hate feeling left out!):

Have a Wonderful Wednesday, friends!!
Love and hugs,

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