Did you know that today is National Coloring Book Day?
I’ll be honest – I didn’t.
I didn’t even realize that coloring books had their own day.
But I love that they do!

Writing Every Day
Right now, my days are filled with writing. Lots and lots of writing. Then some proofreading. And some editing. And then more and more writing.
My first book is tentatively scheduled for release the first half of September – I absolutely can not wait to share this love story with the world!
The only thing is that writing Book 1 has literally opened the floodgates.
I lay in bed at night thinking about the next story. And the two after that.
A full cast of characters live in my head.
I can visualize the fictitious town where my books take place. With crystal clear clarity and in great detail.
I’ve been bitten by the writing bug, and I am in love with the world I’ve created.
But breaks from my own imagination are healthy, so today I set my keyboard to the side, grabbed my Crayolas, and spent an hour coloring.

Calming Thoughts and Mending the Mind
The tagline for my nonprofit quilt business is “Quilting to mend the mind.”
The definition of yoga is “calming the fluctuations of the mind.”
I’m all about unplugging from the world, getting lost in a book or movie, sleeping in late on a Saturday morning, and taking plenty of time to soak up the sights and sounds and smells of the world around me.
Coloring is another activity that can create peace and quiet in the crazy chaos of life.
Coloring is “a simple activity that takes us outside ourselves in the same way cutting the lawn, knitting, or taking a Sunday drive can all be relaxing.” It allows us to focus on something that is fun, engaging, and beautiful. It doesn’t take long to complete, and there is no worry about doing it correctly so there is no risk involved, no fear of failing.
If you haven’t taken time to color lately, today is your day.
Give yourself the gift of a few minutes away from work, away from your To Do list, and away from multi-tasking.
Grab your crayons, and get after it 🎨
You’re worth it!

With love and hugs,
PS: Here is my finished masterpiece 💛

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