I’m that kid who had “needs to talk less in class” on every report I ever brought home.
Every single one.
I love to visit, I love to share, I love to talk!
I’m incredibly honored when asked to speak to a group or participate in an interview.
Professionally, I speak at quilt guilds, fabric stores, and organizations where I present lectures and teach workshops – either in person or via Zoom – on 3 different topics:
- Quilt 2 End ALZ, Inc. – This lecture lasts 45 – 60 minutes and has 4 sections: we begin with my story, my mission, and my vision for Quilt 2 End ALZ, Inc., then I explain the basics of Alzheimer’s disease, next I share how I am spearheading a community that is quilting to end ALZ, and finally, we end with a trunk show displaying 10 of my finished quilts. The cost for this presentation is $350 + travel expenses (if applicable). The workshop that goes with this topic lasts up to three hours and uses the TLD Block Pattern for the year. It is a “Make & Take” class where we piece two blocks, one for you to keep for your own projects and one for Q2EA to use in fundraising projects. The cost for this workshop is $200 plus $40 per participant; $20 from each participant’s registration goes directly to the Quilt 2 End ALZ Longest Day Team. There is a minimum of 15 students; preregistrations is required. (If the workshop is done over Zoom, signups must be closed 10 days prior to the workshop so I can mail each participant their pattern and starter fabric.)
- Storytelling Tees – This lecture lasts 45 – 60 minutes and highlights my signature style of combining t-shirts with traditional block patterns to create one-of-a-kind quilts that celebrate treasured memories. We end with a trunk show displaying 10 of my favorite Storytelling Tees. The cost of this workshop is $350 + travel expenses (if applicable). The Storytelling Tees workshop lasts up to 3 hours, and at the end, participants will have learned and practiced how to prepare their t-shirts, design their topper, and begin piecing it all together. Participants will bring 4-5 shirts and fabric per pattern instructions as well as their basic sewing supplies. I will provide fusible webbing and our pattern for the day. The cost of this workshop is $40 per person; there is a minimum of 15 students.
- Stretch & Stitch – This lecture lasts 45 – 60 minutes and has three parts: first I share my yoga journey and how it affects my quilting, part two is about the importance of being fit quilters, and the third section is about how we can incorporate yoga into our sewing space. The cost of this lecture is $350 + travel expenses (if applicable). The Stretch & Stitch workshop last two hours and costs $200; there is no minimum number of students. If taught in person, a maximum number of students might be required due to space limitations. Each participant should wear comfortable, loose or yoga style clothing and bring a mat or beach towel as well as water to drink. The workshop includes sessions on mindfulness, common ailments quilters feel, and stretch and stitch routines in your sewing space. We conclude with a 45 minute, low impact yoga flow.
Aside from my own lectures and workshops, I am a Volunteer Educator for the Alzheimer’s Association and have received training to provide presentations on “The Basics of Alzheimer’s” and “10 Signs of ALZ.” These programs are typically used for heath and wellness initiatives at schools, corporations, and churches. Each one lasts about an hour.
In addition to educating groups about Alzheimer’s disease, I have enjoyed several opportunities to simply tell our story, share what life is like in college football, talk about my journey through yoga, lead practice sessions, and address both service and social organizations about various topics.
Next time you are looking for a unique program or keynote speaker, let’s talk: ashli@meandcoach.com

Where I will be…and links to where I was:
February 22 – Johnson County Quilt Guild, Joshua, Texas
February 11 & 12 – Cibolo Creek Quilters Guild, Boerne, Texas
January 4 through 7 – Next Phase Parenting Summit, Virtual Event
August 20 – Fort Worth Modern Quilt Guild, Fort Worth, Texas
July 15 – Meet Ashli Montgomery: Writer, Speaker, Business Owner, Philanthropist, and Yogi, Shoutout DFW Magazine, Dallas, Texas.
June 14 – Featured Writer, The Quilt Patch by Tori: June 2020 Newsletter, Online
January 27 – Lone Star Heritage Quilt Guild, Sulpher Springs, Texas
January 21 – McKinney Quilters Guild, McKinney, Texas
January 16 & 17 – Green Country Quilters Guild, Tulsa, Oklahoma
November 4 – 5th Annual Alzheimer’s Awareness Football Game at TU, ABC Channel 8, KTUL-TV, Tulsa, Oklahoma
October 16 – Meet Ashli Montgomery, Voyage Dallas Magazine, Dallas, Texas.
August 21 – Good Day Tulsa Segments: Quilt 2 End ALZ, Inc., ABC Channel 8, KTUL-TV, Tulsa, Oklahoma
August 17 – Using the Shirt Off Tulsa’s Coach Philip Montgomery’s Back to Raise Money for Alzheimer’s, Fox 23 News, KOKI-TV, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
August 13 – TU Football: Philip and Ashli Montgomery Matching Donations for Tulsa Walk to End Alzheimer’s, Tulsa World Newspaper, Tulsa, Oklahom
August 12 – Interview with Sports Anchor Scott Pfeil, News on 6, KOTV-TV, Tulsa, Oklahoma
August 12 – Interview with Sports Personality Jeremie Poplin, The BUZZ, KTBZ-Radio AM 1430, Tulsa, Oklahoma
August 3 – Guest Speaker, Sew Much More Fabrics, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
August 1 – Tulsa Woman Wants Quilters to Join Cause to Help Those with Alzheimer’s, News on 6, KOTV-TV, Tulsa, Oklahoma
July 31 – Yoga Helps Prepare Tulsa Football, Tulsa Hurricane, Tulsa, Oklahoma
May 22 – Quilts Presentation, Montereau, Tulsa, Oklahoma
April 25 – Guest Speaker, Senior Symposium, The Park Church of Christ, Tulsa, Oklahoma
April 11 – Guest Speaker, Immanuel Lutheran Church, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
March 14 – Guest Speaker, FBC Memory Cafe, First Baptist Church, Tulsa, Oklahoma
September 26 – Guest Speaker, Active Aging Week: Inspiring Wellness, Montereau, Tulsa, Oklahoma
September 4 & 15 – Good Day Tulsa: Alzheimer’s Association Segments, ABC Channel 8, KTUL-TV, Tulsa, Oklahoma
June 8 – Good Day Tulsa: Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month, ABC Channel 8, KTUL-TV, Tulsa, Oklahoma
September 20 – Good Day Tulsa: Walk to End Alzheimer’s Event Co-Chair Ashli Montgomery, ABC Channel 8, KTUL-TV, Tulsa, Oklahoma
September 20 – Ashli Montgomery, First Lady of TU Football Using Platform for Alzheimer’s Awareness, Tulsa World Newspaper, Tulsa, Oklahoma
September 12 – Alzheimer’s Association Presenter: 10 Signs of ALZ, Park Plaza Church of Christ, Tulsa, Oklahoma
September 8 – Walk to End Alzheimer’s: Join the Fight Against Alzheimer’s, ABC Channel 8, KTUL-TV, Tulsa, Oklahoma
September 6 – Alzheimer’s Association Presenter: 10 Signs of ALZ, OneGas, Tulsa, Oklahoma
September 5 – Alzheimer’s Association Presenter: The Basics of ALZ, Park Plaza Church of Christ, Tulsa, Oklahoma
September 4 – Good Day Tulsa: Montgomery Family Walks to End Alzheimer’s, ABC Channel 8, KTUL-TV, Tulsa, Oklahoma
August 31 – Alzheimer’s Association Presenter: The Basics of ALZ, The Williams Companies, Tulsa, Oklahoma
June 21 – TU Football Raising Awareness in Fight Against Alzheimer’s Disease, ABC Channel 8, KTUL-TV, Tulsa, Oklahoma
June 18 – Sunday Sitdown with Coach and Ashli Montgomery, ABC Channel 8, KTUL-TV, Tulsa, Oklahoma
June 15 – Interview with Rick Couri, Tulsa’s Talk and News Radio, KRMG- Radio FM 102.3, Tulsa, Oklahoma
April – TU Football Players Turn to Yoga, ABC Channel 8, KTUL-TV, Tulsa, Oklahoma
February 9 – Neile’s Hometown Heroes: Momma Monty, ABC Channel 8, KTUL-TV, Tulsa, Oklahoma
September 26 – Volunteer Spotlight, Tulsa People Magazine, Tulsa, Oklahoma