Thanks for checking out my skincare business!
In a million years I would not have seen myself in a multi-level, network marketing, direct-selling business…
But here I am, AND I LOVE IT!

Please take a minute to read my story below – it highlights my why.
As far as the how, I share products that I love with all the most important who‘s in my life: my friends and my family.
Where do I share? You can subscribe to my weekly newsletter, find me on social media, and follow my blog to learn about featured products, find out about sales and specials, and see first-hand results that prove why R+F is what we call life-changing skincare.
And finally, the when… This business model allows for total control of my schedule and the flexibility to continue wearing all the other hats that are equally important to me.
Reach out to me with business or product questions anytime, and take a minute to explore my R+F website:

If the entire website feels like too much to take in, here is a gift guide that I created to help get you started:
Ashli’s R+F Gift Guide

And finally…
My Story
For our daughter’s 19th birthday in August 2019, she asked if Coach and I would help her launch her own network marketing business with Rodan+Fields.
She was paying close attention as a family friend and fellow coach’s wife was flying through impressive levels of success while still working full-time as an anesthesiologist, raising two phenomenal young daughters, and managing their home while her coach coached. My Angel Girl figured if our friend could fit a side-gig into her schedule, then it was certainly possible for her to do so, too. As a college freshman pursuing a degree in marketing and entrepreneurship and looking for a way to connect with her social-focused generation in an authentic, helpful, fun, and out-going way, she felt that a self-paced, self-owned, social networking business might just be a perfect fit.
We said yes.
And then I said, “What about if I do it with you?” thinking that I’d be helping her out, figuring out the systems, learning the ropes for her, and being her assistant extraordinaire.

Little did I understand that I wasn’t really doing her a big favor…
I was doing myself an even bigger one!
I launched my own Rodan+Fields business to help her, but I discovered that I needed it much more for ME.
The first thing I noticed was how much I enjoyed reaching out to friends, family, colleagues, and neighbors to share my new adventure. It was the perfect excuse to strike up conversations with people whom I hadn’t touched base in ages. In a wonderful way, talking about launching a business, discussing my new life as an empty-nester, and asking what was happening in someone else’s life was therapeutic. It is just what I need as I continue to navigate a new normal after 21 years of centering my schedule, my week, and my life around being Mom On Duty.
In addition to opening airwaves of communication, I also found that my team quickly – very quickly – became a tremendous blessing to my days. I was instantly added to Facebook groups, welcomed and introduced into the fold, and valued for my energy as well as my experiences. It was incredible! I was finding meaningful friendships and beautiful fellowship with kindred spirits, and I was touched and awed and inspired by it.

I realized from that inspiration that my true “why” for this business venture is not to simply provide a leg of downline for my daughter, but to support others in whatever they need. My goal in owning a Rodan+Fields business is not to be the next Mercedes-driving, skincare millionaire, but to see who I can help put on that stage.
I am so very lucky, thankful, grateful, and appreciative for Coach. He is my knight in shining armor, the king of my castle, the prince in my fairytale, the love of my life, and without a doubt my soulmate. He loves me, he adores me, and he takes wonderful care of me. He is my promoter, my protector, and my provider. In coach-speak, I hit a homerun when I wrangled this one to the alter.

Because of the partnership and the life Coach and I have created together, I am able to run this “side gig” as a vehicle for others.
In the case of our Angel Girl, that means encouraging her to put the stress and overwhelmingness of college to the side for a few hours a month, to take a break from the “have to’s” and to share her business and favorite products with friends she might otherwise not take time to visit with when their schedules are chaotically hectic and their schools are scattered across the country.
For my precious niece, that means a gentle nudge here and there to use her remarkable design and marketing skills to promote her freelance work, her “xoxo, Clara” blog, and now her R+F business so that all three platforms serve as residual income streams as well as avenues to meet new people.
One thing I have learned in my 24 years with Coach is that coaching is not about the coach. For him, it’s about the football team. It’s about shaping character, providing a father-figure, and molding young men into strong, giving, grown men. For me, it’s about those I can guide, mentor, and advise. It’s about giving them the tools and confidence to accomplish their dreams.
This business can be so many different things!
Each of us is a unique individual, deep in different chapters of our lives. Not to sound too preachy, but just like a great sermon, I find that one’s business and hobbies provide exactly what one needs in the exact instant when they fully engage their heart, their mind, and their time. How that looks, how that feels, and how that flows is different for each person.
Before “jumping off the cliff” I would not have guessed how rewarding this business would be. It is fulfilling my need to share, to connect, and to coach. And while that did surprise me at first, I’m happy to go with it!
Enjoying the best skin of my life isn’t a bad side-effect, either!

Here are a few of my favorite R+F things…
- Consultant FAQ’s – When sharing Rodan+Fields, I always lead with the business. There is no harm in curiosity, and I would never presume to know what someone is thinking, going through, or needs in their life. Our current expansion into Canada, Australia, and Japan demonstrates that this company is primely positioned for enormous global impact in one of the largest industries in the world; we are moving forward and only going up. If I ask to share the business with you, it’s a compliment…it means that I’d love to spend more time with you!
- R+F Solution Tool – This interactive tool helps identify the products that best target your specific skin concerns; it only takes a few minutes to go through the quiz, and once you finish it, an email comes directly to you with your customized list of tools to help you achieve your skincare goals.
- Product Line – Rodan+Fields is the #1 skincare line in America for a reason. Starting with our regimens, progressing beyond the regimens with enhancements, including all the essentials, and tapping into dermacosmetics, every product is specially formulated to tackle specific skin concerns. Click on any product listing to see its description, results, how to use it, ingredients, and frequently asked questions.
- PC Perks – The Rodan+Fields “frequent flier miles” program is fantastic! When you sign on to be my preferred customer in our PC PERKS program, you receive 10% off and free shipping on orders that reach $80. The membership is a one-time fee of $20, and you remain a PC Perks member until you choose to cancel. It is totally free of obligations, it involves no secret shipments, and it only asks if you need to order via email every 60 days instead of once a month.
- DermRF – Our Rodan+Fields skincare blog provides a great “take on news and trends as well as insight from two of the brightest minds in skincare – Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields. Whether you’re looking for fun, informative straight-talk about skincare in the news, useful product tips and advice, or are just interested in our monthly contests for chances to win R+F product, this blog offers something for everyone.”
If you’ve made it this far into my journey, we need to talk!
If you don’t love the look or feel of your skin, we need to talk!
If you feel like something – be it financial, fellowship, or fun – is missing from your days, we need to talk!
I’m here to help and here to simply listen, so please don’t hesitate to call.
Love and hugs,